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Crooked Lake Prairie

 Crooked Lake Prairie
Crooked Lake is the second largest lake in Polk County. There are activities such as hiking, fishing, and taking pictures. It is 525 acres that protects the water and wildlife. Located on the property are two hiking trails, picnic tables, and many natural communities to see.

Depending on the season, you might catch a sight of bald eagles, osprey, and other migratory birds. Florida scrub-jays can be seen making their home in the scrub. However, the most common signs of wildlife that are seen are tracks, scat, nests and burrows. In the summer season the wet prairie sites are very wet but drier in the winter. Also commonly seen is different breeds of wildflowers and plants.

The picnic areas are perfect to spend time outside or enjoy lunch. There are two picnic areas on the property, one is found near the entrance of Scrub trail, the second picnic area is located on the Lake View Trail, that sees the lake’s edge. There are portable restrooms easily available, as well as paved parking areas.

There are two different trails, they both have different features and offer various sites to see. The Lake View Trail is 0.4 miles, it is a relaxed walk that comes out to a boardwalk on the edge of Crooked Lake. Located on the boardwalk is a seating area to take a break and admire the scenery. The Scrub trail is a 1.6 mile loop, it trails around through the scrub and the scrubby flat woods. Around the halfway point there is a bench that is great for taking a rest.

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Crooked Lake Prairie

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